Supre Sustainability
Supre Sustainability

Plastics and Packaging

Plastics and Packaging

Globally, we are in a plastic pollution crisis. We know that the use of plastics and packaging in our industry is a concern and, while there is progress being made on the issue, the challenges involved are immense.

There is a need for a strategic sector-wide approach to the challenges of plastic and packaging, which is why we are pleased to be partnered with organisations like Arch & Hook and the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), to stay across opportunities and solutions. We recognise the importance for us to act and lead by example.

We aim to reduce our use of plastics and packaging first and foremost. Starting with phasing out problematic and single-use plastic and paper packaging, measuring our overall packaging footprint and tracking waste reduction as a result of our initiatives. We’re focusing on materials that can be put into kerbside recycling. The aim is to create a seamless and convenient approach to waste disposal while addressing the key issue of plastic waste head on.

The right packaging is essential to protect our products as they reach our teams and customers. That’s why selecting the right materials, considering recycled materials and exploring packaging design innovations that minimise waste are so important. In reaching our plastic and packaging goals, we’re considering our products’ journeys from factory to front door.

How We Do Things

Our two key focus areas for our plastics and packaging journey revolve around packaging for the customer and packaging for transport. Through each of these chains, we are working to use conveniently disposable materials or recycled alternatives, understanding the many hands that a product must go through to reach its final home.

We know our business decisions impact our customer’s ability to dispose properly of our packaging. We’re working to eliminate single-use plastic and focusing on the ability to use kerbside recycle streams. The push away from plastic and towards paper has been big in our industry. Where we use paper-based items, we work with suppliers who are certified by the FSC to source virgin or recycled paper and cardboard materials.

To keep the product safe up until the moment it reaches the customer, we’re focusing on packaging for transport. This type of packaging is vital to make sure all products arrive to our customer without damage. However, the waste generated at this stage will often fall to our own Distribution and Retail teams to dispose of. We want to make this process as easy as possible. We’re moving away from materials such as polystyrene that are not recyclable and towards packaging that closes the loop.

We’ve begun our APCO assessment process, involving two steps. First, the APCO Packaging Recyclability Evaluation Portal (PREP) online tool verifies if our packaging is recyclable in Australia and New Zealand kerbside recycling streams. Second, we use the Australian Recycling Label (ARL)program to label our packaging with clear instructions for recycling at a component level. We’re working on a Group-wide rollout to integrate both the PREP and ARL tools while working in the background to make significant changes to our packaging. This includes looking into various recycling standards across our global regions.

Learn more about our approach to plastics and packaging at our Good Report.